Alamannus Salviatus (Salviatus, Alamannus)
24 May, 1509
San Miniato


Magnificent Signori, etc.: —

To-day at about the nineteenth hour I was in our intrenchments with the nine Pisan ambassadors, and now at this twenty-fourth hour I am with them here at San Miniato. I shall leave here to-morrow morning, and will endeavor to be to-morrow evening at about the twenty-second hour at Legnaja a Capponi, according to the instructions in your Lordships’ last letter; and shall there await your further orders as to the course I am to pursue. I beg to remind your Lordships to give orders to have the money for the pay of the regular troops at San Piero by the 26th, without fail, so as to prevent the occurrence of any disorders. Valete!

Alamannus Salviatus,

Generalis Commiss.
San Miniato, 24 May, 1509.