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Annotation Guide:

The Works of Niccolò Machiavelli
The Historical, Political, and Diplomatic Writings of Niccolò Machiavelli, vol. 4: Diplomatic Missions 1506-1527

Niccolo Machiavelli (Machiavelli Niccolo)
21 April, 1509
San Piero in Grado


Magnificent Signori, etc.: —

Three days ago I left the camp at Mezzana for that of the Val di Serchio in company with Arcangiolo da Castiglione, who serves in Antonio’s camp in place of Dietajuti. Your Lordships will therefore erase the name of Dietajuti from the roll of Antonio’s camp and transfer it to that of Niccolo’s, and place the name of Arcangiolo upon the roll of Antonio’s camp. In this way the latter will be complete, and Niccolo will require nothing except that Cerchio shall come here to serve under him with the companies which he has here, and to retain the remainder of the company of Anghiari. On the arrival here this morning of the lord commissary with the 100 men from the Val di Chiana, I spoke to him about the troops that are here, and he replied that he could not do with less than 750 regulars, and that therefore he could not see how Cerchio could be detached and sent to Mezzana, as the required number would with Cerchio’s men be exceeded by but a very few. For Agnolo da Citerna with the lately arrived has 189 men; Sana has 45, the rest of his company being at Livorno; Cerchio has 94; Captain Piero, 70; Bastiano the fat, 80; and Bastiano the lean, 300; all of which together make up the number of 778; but taking away Cerchio with his 94 men would leave him less than 700. On thinking now how this matter can be arranged so that Cerchio can be sent to Niccolo without breaking up the companies, and at the same time to guard

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Livorno, his Lordship has concluded that it could be effected in the following way, viz.: — To bring Sana’s entire company here, which is 80 strong, to send 40 of the fat Bastiano’s company to Livorno, and to discharge the rest, as a large number of them wish to return home; and then to add 70 men to Sana’s company, which he will send one of his captains to levy in the Mugello, and which thus gives him 150 men. To add also enough to Captain Piero’s fusileers to bring the present number up to 100, which he will send his chancellor to levy. Agnolo da Citerna to remain here with his 189 men, and Bastiano the lean with his 300; and then Cerchio could be sent to Niccolo Capponi. There would then be at this camp 739 ordnance troops, after the arrival of the 70 new men for Sana and the 30 for Captain Piero, not counting Cerchio’s company. And if your Lordships, on the arrival of Sana’s and Captain Piero’s agents, will expedite them promptly, then this whole affair will be quickly arranged. The infantry of these camps will then be complete, and everybody will be satisfied. On next pay-day the commissary will discharge 40 of the fat Bastiano’s company, and send the other 40 to Livorno, where this company without a captain will be better placed, whilst the others will remain with their constables. I do not believe that any better way will be found to satisfy these commissaries. Alamanno will therefore despatch these agents with letters to your magistracy, and your Lordships will please give them prompt despatch.

I shall remain here two days and then return to Antonio’s camp, after which I shall proceed to Niccolo’s camp, so as to be present at the next pay, the funds for which, according to the memorandum left by me with Niccolo, ought to be here by the 27th of this month, as all the companies have to be paid from the 28th to the 30th instant. I will then send your Lordships the accounts as soon as I can, say within four days, and which want of time has prevented me from doing sooner.

I recommend myself to your Lordships.

Niccolo Machiavelli,

From the Florentine Camp at San Piero in Grado, 21 April, 1509.