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Annotation Guide:

The Collected Works of Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin.
Ideals and Realities in Russian Literature
Ideals and Realities in Russian Literature
Chapter 2: Púshkin — Lérmontoff
His Death

His Death

He died in his twenty-seventh year. Exiled for a second time to the Caucasus (for a duel which he had fought at St Petersburg with a Barrante, the son of the French ambassador) he was staying at Pyatigórsk, frequenting the shallow society which usually comes together in such watering places. His jokes and sarcasms addressed to an officer, Martýnoff, who used to drape himself in a Byronian mantle the better to capture the hearts of young girls, led to a duel. Lérmontoff, as he had already done in his first duel, shot sideways purposely; but Martýnoff slowly and purposely took his aim so as even to call forth the protest of the seconds — and killed Lérmontoff on the spot.