Table 7

These figures, which were found during the census of 1866, have not changed much since, as may be seen from the following table which gives the proportional quantities of the different categories of the active population of both sexes (employers, working men, and clerks) in 1866 and 1896: —

1866   1896 
Agriculture   52 per cent.   47 per cent. 
Industry   34 ”   35 ” 
Commerce   4 ”   5 ” 
Transport and various   3 ”   5 ” 
Liberal professions   7 ”   8 ” 

As has been remarked by M. S. Fontaine who worked out the results of the last census, “the number of persons employed in industry properly speaking, although it has increased, has nevertheless absorbed a smaller percentage of the loss sustained by the agricultural population than the other categories.” — Résultats statitisques du recensement des professions, t. iv., p. 8.