past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Collected Works of Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin.
Fields, Factories, and Workshops
E. Machinery in Germany

E. Machinery in Germany

The rapid progress in the fabrication of machinery in Germany is best seen from the growth of the German exports as shown by the following table:

1890.   1895.   1907. 
Machines and parts thereof   £2,450,000   £3,215,000   £17,482,500 
Sewing-machines parts thereof   315,000   430,000   1,202,500 
Locomotives and locomobiles   280,000   420,000   1,820,000 

Three years later the first of these items had already reached £25,000,000, and the export of bicycles, motorcars, and motor-buses, and parts thereof, was valued at £2,904,000.

Everyone knows that German sewing-machines, motor-bus frames, and a considerable amount of tools find their way even into this country, and that German tools are plainly recommended in English books.