past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Collected Works of Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin.
The Great French Revolution, 1789-1793


    Chapter 1: The Two Great Currents of the Revolution
    Chapter 2: The Idea
    Chapter 3: Action
    Chapter 4: The People Before the Revolution
    Chapter 5: The Spirit of Revolt: the Riots
    Chapter 6: The Convocation of the States General Becomes Necessary
    Chapter 7: The Rising of the Country Districts During the Opening Months of 1789
    Chapter 8: Riots in Paris and Its Environs
    Chapter 9: The States-General
    Chapter 10: Preparations for the Coup d’État
    Chapter 11: Paris on the Eve of the Fourteenth
    Chapter 12: The Taking of the Bastille
    Chapter 13: The Consequences of July 14 at Versailles
    Chapter 14: The Popular Risings
    Chapter 15: The Towns
    Chapter 16: The Peasant Rising
    Chapter 17: August 4 and Its Consequences
    Chapter 18: The Feudal Rights Remain
    Chapter 19: Declaration of the Rights of Man
    Chapter 20: The Fifth and Sixth of October 1789
    Chapter 21: Fears of the Middle Classes — The New Municipal Organisation
    Chapter 22: Financial Difficulties — Sale of Church Property
    Chapter 23: The Fête of the Federation
    Chapter 24: The “Districts” and the “Sections” of Paris
    Chapter 25: The Sections of Paris Under the New Municipal Law
    Chapter 26: Delays in the Abolition of the Feudal Rights
    Chapter 27: Feudal Legislation in 1790
    Chapter 28: Arrest of the Revolution in 1790
    Chapter 29: The Flight of the King — Reaction — End of the Constituent Assembly
    Chapter 30: The Legislative Assembly — Reaction in 1791–1792
    Chapter 31: The Counter-Revolution in the South of France
    Chapter 32: The Twentieth of June 1792
    Chapter 33: The Tenth Of August: Its Immediate Consequences
    Chapter 34: The Interregnum — The Betrayals
    Chapter 35: The September Days
    Chapter 36: The Convention — The Commune — The Jacobins
    Chapter 37: The Government — Conflicts With the Convention — The War
    Chapter 38: The Trial of the King
    Chapter 39: The “Mountain” and The Gironde
    Chapter 40: Attempts of the Girondins to Stop the Revolution
    Chapter 41: The “Anarchists”
    Chapter 42: Causes of the Rising on May 31
    Chapter 43: Social Demands — State of Feeling In Paris — Lyons
    Chapter 44: The War — The Rising in La Vendee — Treachery of Dumouriez
    Chapter 45: A New Rising Rendered Inevitable
    Chapter 46: The Insurrection of May 31 and June 2
    Chapter 47: The Popular Revolution — Arbitrary Taxation
    Chapter 48: The Legislative Assembly and the Communal Lands
    Chapter 49: The Lands Restored to the Communes
    Chapter 50: Final Abolition of the Feudal Rights
    Chapter 51: The National Estates
    Chapter 52: The Struggle Against Famine — The Maximum — Paper-Money
    Chapter 53: Counter-Revolution In Brittany — Assassination of Marat
    Chapter 54: The Vendee — Lyons — The Risings in Southern France
    Chapter 55: The War — The Invasion Beaten Back
    Chapter 56: The Constitution — The Revolutionary Movement
    Chapter 57: The Exhaustion of the Revolutionary Spirit
    Chapter 58: The Communist Movement
    Chapter 59: Schemes for the Socialisation of Land, Industries, Means of Subsistence and Exchange
    Chapter 60: The End of the Communist Movement
    Chapter 61: The Constitution of the Central Government — Reprisals
    Chapter 62: Education — The Metric System — The New Calendar — Anti-Religious Movement
    Chapter 63: The Suppression of the Sections
    Chapter 64: Struggle Against the Hebertists
    Chapter 65: Fall of the Hebertists — Danton Executed
    Chapter 66: Robespierre and His Group
    Chapter 67: The Terror
    Chapter 68: The 9th Thermidor — Triumph of Reaction
    Chapter 69: Conclusion