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Annotation Guide:

The Collected Works of Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin.
Ethics: Origin and Development


    Translators’ Preface
    Introduction by the Russian Editor
    Chapter 1: The Present Need of Determining the Bases of Morality
    Chapter 2: The Gradually Evolving Bases of the New Ethics
    Chapter 3: The Moral Principle in Nature (17th and 18th Centuries) (continued)
    Chapter 4: Moral Conceptions of Primitive Peoples
    Chapter 5: Development of Moral Teachings — Ancient Greece
    Chapter 6: Christianity — The Middle Ages — The Renaissance
    Chapter 7: Development of Moral Teachings in the Modern Era (17th and 18th Centuries)
    Chapter 8: Development of Moral Teachings in the Modern Era (17th and l8th Centuries) (continued)
    Chapter 9: Development of Moral Teachings in the Modern Era (End of 18th century and beginning of 19th century)
    Chapter 10: Development of Moral Teachings — XIX Century
    Chapter 11: Development of Moral Teachings — XIX Century (continued)
    Chapter 12: Development of Moral Teachings — XIX Century (continued)
    Chapter 13: Development of Moral Teachings — XIX Century (concluded)
    Chapter 14: Conclusion