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Annotation Guide:

Pierre Bayle's Historical and Critical Dictionary
PETER BAYLE. An Historical and Critical Dictionary, P-W.



1 Exod.iv. 25.

2 Pausan. lib. 5. pag. 153.

3 Cicero, de Nat. Deor. liv. ii, cap. xxv.

4 Plin. lib. ii. cap. vii. pag. m. 143, 144.

5 Tacit. Hist. lib. i. cap. iii.

6 Cicero, de Inventione, lib. i. fol. m. 29.

7 Apuleius, in Apologia, pag. 291.

8 A celebrated Protestant minister.

9 Justin, lib. 28. c. 1.

10 Plutarch de sera Numinis vindicta.

11 Montagne’s Essays, b. 2. c. 36. p. 763.

12 The Egyptian sultan who levied upon the Jews in consequence of the jewels and ear-rings borrowed of his ancestors on the departure of their forefathers from Egypt, may be added to these plausible pretences. Ed.

13 Sulp. Severus, pag. 165.

14 Cicero, in Verrem, lib. i, fol. 22, B.

15 Bayle knew very well, that to ask this question is to answer it. Ed.

16 Spondan. ad ann. 1533, num. 15.

17 Revelat. x.

18 It is a saying of Simonides,“those men are not subtle enough to be deceived by such a one as I am.” Balzac said the same thing of the maids of his village. Agesilaus complained that he had to do with enemies who understood not the war; his stratagems were useless, he could not deceive inexperienced troops. See Plutarch in his Life, towards the end.

19 Note, that this is the discourse of an abbot. I am obliged to give the reader notice of this in this second edition, because I know that several persons of the Protestant religion have been offended to see the mysteries of the Trinity and Incarnation paralelled with the doctrine of the Real Presence and Transubstantiation.—Note in Second Edition.

20 Those who hold Transubstantiation place the essence of matter in the faculty of receiving extension, and so with the essence of every thing: nothing is actual; every thing is a passive capacity; but that capacity way consist with a spirit, &c. which confounds all definitions.

21 La Mothe le Vayer, de la Vertu des Payens, tom. v. pag. 220.

22 La Plaeette, Traité de la Conscience, pag. 377.

23 It must be confessed that, considering the tendencies of Bayle, he concludes this long passage with a very consolatory quotation. Ed.

24 Cicer. Tuscul. Quaest. lib. v, cap. iii.

25 Justin lib. xx, cap. iv.

26 Apul. in Florid.

27 Justin, lib. xx. cap. iv.

28 Olymp. Od. II.

29 Aul. Gell. lib. iv, cap. xi.

30 Plut. in Numa, pag. 65.

31 Joan. Scheffer. de natura et constitutione Philosophiæ Italicae, cap. x, pag. 78.

32 Val. Max. lib. viii, cap. vii, num. 2, in ext.

33 Freigius, in Vita Rami, pag. 24.

34 Pelisson, Discours sur les Œuvres de M Sarrazin, pag. m. 39 et 40.

35 Sorel, Bibl. Franc. pag. m. 11°

36 Father Charles Le Gobien, in his Preface to the Histoire de l'Edit. de l'Emp. de la Chine.

37 La Bruyere Dialogue 2, sur le Quietisme, pag. 33, et seq.

38 Molinos Guid. Spirit, b. iii. ch. xiii. apud Bruyere.

39 Madame Guyon, Moien Court, apud Bruyere Dial. v. page 171.

40 Regie des Associez a l’enfance de Jus, apud Bruyere, page 172.

41 Madame Guyon, in the Book of Torrents, apud euud. ibid.

42 Madame Guyon, explicat. du Cant. des Cant. pages 3, 4, Dial. vii. page 239.

43 La Bruyere, Dial. 7, page 261,

44 The abbot d’Estival, confer. mystic. apud eund. Dial. ii. page 35.

45 Madame Guyon, in the Book of Torrents, apud eund. Dial. vii, page 258.

46 La Bruyere, Dial. vi. page 222, 223.

47 Ruysbrocbius, in Libro de vera Contemplat. c. xix. p. 445.

48 Spizelius, in Felice Literato, pag. 12. He cites Barthol. Bononiensis in Vita Codri.

49 Spizelius, pag. 13.

50 Spiz

51 Pierius Valerianus de Litteratorum Infelicitate, lib. i, pag. 21, 22.

52 Cicero de Natura, Deor. lib. ii. cap. ii.

53 This reasoning in favour of Catholic saints and relics is precisely similar to that which an English prelate opposed to the repeal of some grossly absurd ecclesiastical Statutes, when a motion was some years ago made by earl Stanhope, to get rid of them.—Ed.

54 P. de Farnace, p. 20.

55 P. de Farnace, p. 21, et seq.

56 Ibid, p. 25.

57 P. de Farnace, p. 17, et seq. 6 3

58 Esdras, Book III, ch. 3 and 4.

59 Arnold. Hist. Theol. Mystic. p. 308.

60 Beza, Hist. Eccles. lib. xv. pag. 429.

61 D’Aubig. Hist. tom. i. page 216.

62 Plutarch in Flamin. p. 379.

63 See the Article Partizans.

64 Willemur in Dissertat. Philologica de Sadduceis.

65 Willemer, ubi supra, p. 41.

66 Godeau, Hist. Eccles. Tom. i. p. 126, of the Paris edition in folio, 1674.

67 Joseph Antiq. lib. xiii. cap. xviii, pag. 454.

68 Arnob. lib. iii. pag. in. 106, 107.

69 Desid. Heraldus, in Arnobium, pag. m. 134.

70 Les faictz et dictz de bonne memoire Jehan Molinet, fol. 229, verso Paris, 1540, in 8vo.

71 Thomas Brown, Religio Medici, Part. ii, § ix. pag. m. 397.

72 La Croix du Maine says, that Heroet, native of Paris, was related to Chancellor Olivier.

73 Plutarch in Demetrio, pag. 907.

74 Plutarch on Love.

75 Guicciardini, book iii, near the end, fol. m. 127, ad ann. 1498.

76 Mystere d’lniquité, in Epist. Philosoph. Savonarolæ præfixa.

77 Balzac, Socrate Chrestien, Discours v. pag. m. 71. et seq.

78 Jam. i. 5, et seq.

79 Tit. iii. 9, 10.

80 Luke i. 34, 35.

81 Lactant, lib. iv. cap. ii. pag. m. 226.

82 Lib. iii. cap. i. pag. 149.

83 Rom. iv, 18.

84 Mr. de St Evremond, in his “Conversation between Mareschal d’Hoquincourt and Father Canaye,” tom. i, p. 181, of the English translation, London, 1728.

85 “I love to lose myself in a mystery, to pursue my reason to an ‘ O Altitudo.'” Sir T. Browne, Religio Medici, part i, § viii, page m. 46.

86 Id. Ibid. pag. 21, 22.

87 Johannes Craig, Epist. Dedicat.

88 Rapin, Réflexions sur la Philosophic, pag. m. 447.

89 Oeuvres meslées, tom. ii, pag. m. 24.

90 This Epistle Dedicatory is dated the first of August, 1584.

91 Balthasar Bonifacius Historiæ Ludicræ, lib. v. cap. iv. pag. 127.

92 Cicero de Natura Deorum, lib. i, pag. 83, Edit. Lescalo perii.

93 Tertullianus in Apologetico, cap. xlvi.

94 Daillé of the right use of the Fathers, book ii, ch. iv, pag. m 354.

95 Lescaloperius in Ciceron. de Natura Deorum, 1. i, p. 84,85.

96 Charron, des trois Vérités, liv. i. ch. v.

97 Arnob. lib. i, pag. m. 17.

98 Minut. Felix, p. m. 143.

99 Father Bouhours, Entretiens d’Ariste, pag. m. 54.

100 See father Bouhours, Entretiens d’Ariste et d’Eugene, p.201.

101 Strabo, b. 10.

102 Pensées diverses sur les Cometes, num. 89, pag. 592.

103 Cocceius, in Examine Apolog. Equitis Poloni, pag. 305.

104 Confession Catholique de Sancy, livre i, chap. vi.

105 Mercure Francois, St. John, page 761-762.

106 Voyages, part I, pag. 8 & 9.

107 According to Menage, it was an angel who imprinted those characters, when the possession was over.

108 Histoire des diables de Loudun, pag. 469.

109 Journal des Scavans, pag. 311.

110 Journal des Scavans, ubi supra.

111 Such is the atrocious imposture, fraud, and cruelty which an ultramontane and fanatical portion of the priesthood would restore in France. M. Sismondi, by recently illustrating the lauded age of St Louis, has well exposed the rancorous folly and bigotry of this temporarily revived faction. Ed.

112 See Prateolus, in Elencho Hæresum, Voce Almaricus, page m. 23.

113 Plutarchus adversus Colotem, p. 1115, b.

114 Seneca, Quæst. Natur. lib. ii. cap. xiv.

115 Gassendus, in Examine Philosoph. Fluddanæ, num. 29, Operum, tom. iii, pag. 247.

116 Bernier, Suite des Memoires sur l’Empire du Grand Mogul, pag. 202, et seq. Dutch edit.

117 Caramuel, Philosophiae Realis. lib. iii. sect. iii, pag. 175.

118 Viz. Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Thomas Hobbes, and Benedict Spinoza.

119 Jam. i, 17.

120 Ovid. Metam. lib. xi, Fab. vii, ver. 221 et seq.

121 Id. Ibid. lib. xiv, Fab. xvi, ver. 647, et seq.

122 Boëthius, de Consolat. Philosoph. lib. i. Prusa iv. pag. m.

123 Kuffelaer Speciminis Artis ratiocinandi naturalis et arti ficialis, pag. 113.

124 Benedictus Pererius, de commininibus Principiis, lib. v, cap, xii, p. m. 309.

125 See his Letters lvi, lviii, lx.

126 Pensées diverses sur les Cometes, num. 181.

127 Virgil. Æneid. lib. i, ver. 245.

128 Aristot. de Prædicam. cap. ii.

129 Drelincourt’s Avant-coureur de la République à M. le Camus, Evêque de Belly.

130 See his Answer to the Avant-coureur of M. Drelincourt, pag. 156.

131 Cicero, Acad. Quæst. lib. iv. cap. 28 et 29.

132 Africanus, lib. lxxxviii.

133 Seneca, Epist. xiv. pag. m. 241.

134 Tacit in Vita Agricolæ, cap. iv.

135 Cicero, Academ. quæst. lib. iv. p. 65.

136 Terentius in Phormione, Act. II, Seen. Ill, ver. 18 & 19.

137 Montagne, Essais, livr. iii, cap. viii, pag. m. 252, 253.

138 Rohault’s preface to his Physics.

139 Cicero Tusc. 1, fol. m. 250.

140 Ibid. fol. m. 250.

141 Cicero, Tuscul. I, fol. 248.

142 Nouvelles de la Repub. des Lettres, August, 1684. Art. VI.

143 Dionysius de Sammarth. ubi supra, pag.284,285,

144 Bouchet Annales d’Aquitaine, fol. m. 267.

145 Verse 183 of the Odyssey V.

146 Journal· duVoïage de Perse, pag. 465.

147 Chardin.pag. 464.

148 This was written in 1698.