Chauncey Wright. Essays and Reviews. Edited by Mark Rooks. Charlottesville, Va.: InteLex Corporation, 2017.
On the Phyllotaxis. Astronomical Journal 5.99 (December 1856): 22-24.
Autobiography. Essay written in 1858 with photograph and addenda. Harvard Class of 1852 Class Book, pp. 530-533.
The Winds and the Weather. Atlantic Monthly 1.3 (January 1858): 272-279.
The Prismoidal Formula. Runkle's Mathematical Monthly 1.1 (October 1858): 21-?.
Extension of the Prismoidal Formula. Runkle's Mathematical Monthly 1.2 (November 1858): 53-?.
The Most Thorough Uniform Distribution of Points about an Axis. Runkle's Mathematical Monthly 1.7 (April 1859): 244-248.
Properties of Curvature in the Ellipse and Hyperbola. Runkle's Mathematical Monthly 2.6 (March 1860): 198-?.
Remarks on the Architecture of Bees. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 4 (8 May 1860): 432-433.
The Economy and Symmetry of the Honey Bee's Cells. Runkle's Mathematical Monthly 2.9 (June 1860): 304-320.
Chauvenet's Manual of Astronomy. Review of William Chavaunet, A Manual of Spherical and Practical Astronomy. North American Review 98.2 (April 1864): 611-613.
Youman's Correlation and Conservation of Forces. Review of E.L. Youmans, The Correlation and Conservation of Forces. North American Review 100.2 (April 1865): 619-623.
Bowen's Logic. Review of Francis Bowen, A Treatise on Logic. North American Review 99.2 (October 1865): 592-605.
The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. North American Review 101.2 (July 1865): 134-147.
Chapin on Gravitation and Heat. Review of E.S. Chapin, The Correlation and Conservation of Gravitation and Heat. North American Review 101.2 (July 1865): 330-352.
Mill on Hamilton. Review of John Stuart Mill, An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy. The Nation 1.9 (31 August 1865): 278-281.
Draper's Thoughts on the Future Civil Policy of America. Review essay of John Draper, Thoughts on the Future Civil Policy of America. North American Review 101.2 (October 1865): 589-597.
Mill on Comte. Review of John Stuart Mill, The Positive Philosophy of August Comte. The Nation 2.27 (4 January 1966): 20-21.
Spencer's Biology. Review of Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Biology. The Nation 2.55 (8 June 1866): 724-725.
Martineau's Essays. Review of James Martineau, Essays Philosophical and Theological. The Nation 2.60 (26 June 1866): 804.
Alden's Philosophy. Review of Joseph Alden, Elements of Intellectual Philosophy. North American Review 103.2 (July 1866): 260-269.
Mill on Hamilton. Review of John Stuart Mill, An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy. North American Review 103.2 (July 1866): 250-260.
The Right of Suffrage. Review of Frederick Maurice, The Workman and the Franchise. North American Review 103.2 (July 1866): 241-250.
Spare's Differential Calculus. Review of John Spare, The Differential Calculus. North American Review 103.2 (July 1866):
Ennis on the Origin of the Stars. Review of Jacob Ennis, The Origin of the Stars, and the Causes of their Motion and their Light. The Nation 4.90 (21 March 1867): 231-232.
Ennis' Origin of the Stars. Review of Jacob Ennis, The Origin of the Stars, and the Causes of their Motion and their Light. North American Review 104.2 (April 1867): 618-626.
Review of the Duke of Argyll, The Reign of Law. The Nation 4.102 (13 June 1867): 470.
Mathematics in Court. Letter to the Editor, signed as "V. X." The Nation 5.116 (19 September 1867): 238.
Peabody's Positive Philosophy. Review of A.P. Peabody, The Positive Philosophy. North American Review 106.1 (January 1868): 285-294.
Review of A.T. Bledsoe, The Philosophy of Mathematics. The Nation 4.148 (30 April 1868): 355-356.
C.S. Peirce's Review of Berkeley. Note about Charles S. Peirce's review of A.C. Fraser, The Works of George Berkeley. The Nation 13.335 (30 November 1871): 355-356.
John Stuart Mill. The Nation 16.412 (22 May 1873): 351.
Sir Charles Lyell. The Nation 20.505 (4 March 1875): 146-147.
Note on Bastian. The Nation 20.505 (24 March 1875): 208.
Who Are Our Ancestors. The Nation 20.520 (17 June 1875): 405-407.
Death of Professor Winlock. The Nation 20.520 (17 June 1875): 409-410.
Sir Henry Maine and the 'Greatest Happiness' Principle. The Nation 21.522 (1 July 1875): 9.
Blackwell's 'Sexes in Nature'. Review of Antoinette Blackwell, The Sexes throughout Nature. The Nation 21.524 (15 July 1875): 43-44.
A Popular Explanation (for those who understand Botany) of the Mathematical Nature of Phyllotaxis. American Naturalist 10 (June 1876): 326-329. Published by Harvard Botany professor George Goodale, who appended a note to explain that this manuscript was written by Wright several years before his death.
________ Philosophical Discussions. With a biographical sketch by Charles Eliot Norton. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1876.
A Physical Theory of the Universe. Review essay on Herbert Spencer, Essays: Scientific, Political, and Speculative. North American Review 99.1 (July 1864): 1-34. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 1-34.
Natural Theology as a Positive Science. Review essay on Josiah Cooke, Religion and Chemistry. North American Review 100.1 (January 1865): 177-186.Philosophical Discussions, pp. 35-42.
The Philosophy of Herbert Spencer. Review essay on eight of Herbert Spencer's books. North American Review 100.2 (April 1865): 423-476. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 43-96.
McCosh on Intuitions. Review of James McCosh, The Intuitions of the Mind Inductively Investigated. The Nation 1.20 (16 November 1865): 627-629. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 329-341.
Masson's Recent British Philosophy. Review of David Masson, Recent British Philosophy. The Nation 3.72 (15 November 1866): 385-386. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 342-349.
Mansel's Reply to Mill. The Nation 4.80 (10 January 1867): 27-29. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 350-359.
Limits of Natural Selection. Review essay of Alfred Wallace, Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. North American Review 111.2 (October 1870): 282-311. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 97-125.
The Genesis of Species. Review essay of Charles Darwin's The Descent of Man and The Origin of Species, 5th ed.; George Mivart's On the Genesis of Species; and Alfred Wallaces' Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. North American Review 113.1 (July 1871): 63-104. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 126-167. Darwin had this essay, with some additional material by Wright, published as Darwinism: being an Examination of Mr. St. George Mivart's 'Genesis of Species'(London: John Murray, 1871). This pamphlet was reviewed in Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 1 (1872): 261-262.
The Uses and Origin of the Arrangement of Leaves in Plants. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences n.s. 9 (10 October 1871): 379-415. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 296-328.
Evolution by Natural Selection. Review essay on Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species, 6th ed.; and George Mivart's "Evolution and its Consequences," and "Specific Genesis." North American Review 115.1 (July 1872): 1-31. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 168-198.
A Fragment on Cause and Effect. (1873). Philosophical Discussions, pp. 406-413. From a manuscript that Wright never published.
Evolution of Self-Consciousness. North American Review 116.2 (April 1873): 245-310. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 199-266.
John Stuart Mill - A Commemorative Notice. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (12 November 1873). Philosophical Discussions, pp. 414-428.
Lewes's 'Problems of Life and Mind'. Review of George H. Lewes, Problems of Life and Mind, first series, The Foundations of a Creed. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 360-374. Pp. 366-374 appeared in The Nation 18.467 (11 June 1874): 381-382. The other pages were from a manuscript.
Books relating to the Theory of Evolution. The Nation 18 Feb. 1875. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 394-398.
McCosh on Tyndall. Review of James McCosh, Ideas in Nature overlooked by Dr. Tyndall and The Scottish Philosophy. The Nation 20.512 (22 April 1875): 277-278. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 375-384.
Speculative Dynamics. Review of Augustus Fendler, The Mechanism of the Universe and Its Primary Effort-exerting Powers. The Nation 20.518 (3 June 1875): 379-381. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 385-384.
Todhunter's Conflict of Studies. Review essay of I. Todhunter, The Conflict of Studies, and other Essays Connected with Education. North American Review 121.1 (July 1875): 86-113. As "The Conflict of Studies" in Philosophical Discussions, pp. 267-295.
German Darwinism. Reviews of Oscar Schmidt, The Doctrine of Decent and Darwinism, and M.E. Cazelles, Outline of the Evolution-Philosophy. The Nation 21.532 (9 September 1875): 168-170. Philosophical Discussions, pp. 398-405.
________ Letters of Chauncey Wright. With an account of his life by James Bradley Thayer. Cambridge: John Wilson and Son, 1878.