past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Prologue.
Ordinatio. Prologue
Second Part. On the Sufficiency of Revealed Doctrine
Sole Question. Whether the supernatural knowledge necessary for the wayfarer is sufficiently handed on in Sacred Scripture.
II. Principal Response to the Question

II. Principal Response to the Question

120. Having established, then, against heretics that the doctrine of the Canon is true, one must see second whether it is necessary and sufficient to the wayfarer for attaining his end.

I say that the Canon hands on what is the end of man in particular, that it is the vision and enjoyment of God, and this as far as concerns the circumstances of its desirability; to wit, that it will be possessed after the resurrection by man immortal in soul as well as in body, endlessly. The Canon also determines the things necessary for the end, and that these are sufficient because commanded, “If thou wilt enter into life,” says our Lord, Matthew 19.17, “keep the commandments,” about which there is the statement in Exodus 20.1-17; explication is given also of these, as to what to believe and what to do, in diverse places of Scripture. The properties too of immaterial substances are handed on in the Canon, to the extent it is possible and useful for the wayfarer to know them.40