1. Opinion of Others

45. On the second main point [n.37], some say [Thomas Aquinas, Sent. IV d.30 q.2 a.1; Richard of Middleton, Sent. IV d.30 princ. 2 q.1] that the Blessed Virgin vowed virginity under a condition, namely unless God were to dispose differently; and therefore it was licit for her to contract matrimony.

46. On the contrary: in every vow, however absolute, this condition ‘if it please God’ is understood, because no one should offer anything to God regardless of whether God wants it or not; nor would he who intends so intend in ordered manner. Therefore, an absolute vow stands along with this condition, so understood; and if the condition be added, it counts as not added, because in no respect does it diminish the idea of a vow.