1. Response

18. About the second article [n.9] I say that God has disposed that the sins of the penitent are covered over after penitence, that is, that, according to Augustine expounding Psalm 31.1, “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven etc.” [Expositions of Psalms ps.31 exposition 2 n.9], they are seen no more for vengeance and, according to Nahum 1.9, “God will not pass judgment on it twice.” And therefore, by the ordained power of God, the same obligation cannot return, nor return to the same penalty, after it has been extinguished. And this is what is contained in Gratian, Decretum p.2 cause 33 q.3 d.4 ch.24, “The divine clemency does not suffer dismissed sins to return for vengeance anymore.”