past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 14 - 42.
Book Four. Distinctions 14 - 42
Fourteenth Distinction
Question One. Whether Penitence is Necessarily Required for Deletion of Mortal Sin Committed after Baptism
I. To the Question
A. What Remains in a Sinner after Sin has been Committed
2. Opinion of Others
a. Statement of the Opinion

a. Statement of the Opinion

21. Therefore is it said [Aquinas Sent. IV d.13 nn.27-82] that conviction for a fault2 remains in the soul, which is a kind of obligation to the penalty due for that fault; now this obligation is a certain real relation, not founded on the guilty act, but on the essence of the soul, though only with actual guilt preceding, as was often said above on how a relation is founded on action [Ord. IV d.13 nn.27-82].