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Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 8 - 13.
Book Four. Distinctions 8 - 13
Twelfth Distinction. Second Part: About the Action of the Accidents in the Eucharist
Single Question. Whether Accidents in the Eucharist can Have Any Action they were Able to Have in their Subject
I. To the Question
F. Solution of the Aforesaid Doubts

F. Solution of the Aforesaid Doubts

1. To the First Doubt

233. As to the first doubt [n.231]: what an action is, and by what it is, will be stated in question one of the following distinction [d.13 nn.18, 27-71]. But positing here briefly what I believe to be true, that action states a certain respect arriving from outside (whether in the agent or in the passive thing), and a respect that corresponds mutually to the respect of passive undergoing, then, since passive undergoings in diverse passive things are of different and diverse idea (just as are the forms received in them), the result is that the actions of them will accordingly be different.

234. This is confirmed specifically in the issue at hand, because a passive thing receptive of a form as to real being is not receptive of the same form as to intentional being, On the Soul 2.7.418b26-27 [12.424a17-b3]: “For what is receptive of sound must be without sound” - at any rate, what is regularly receptive of the form in the latter way is not receptive of the form in the other way, especially in the case of receptive or susceptive material things. Therefore, an organ [sc. object of intentional action] and a contrary subject [sc. object of real action] are not receptive of the form according to the same being, because the one receives it intentionally, the other really; and consequently, since an agent acts on a passive thing according to that thing’s receptive potency (according to On the Soul 2.414a11-12: “It seems that the acts of active things are in the passive and disposed thing”), it follows that an agent does not act on this passive thing and on that passive thing with an action of the same idea.

235. And then, as to the objection about an agent acting by choice [n.231a], I reply that an agent acting by choice can act in diverse ways, with a diversity not only of unlikeness but of contradiction - as it is able not only to do this and that but to do this and not to do that. Now a natural agent, which is unlimited simply or in some way according to active perfection, is able to act for disparate results but not for contradictory results, because each natural agent acts on matter disposed to it, and does so necessarily. Therefore, the inference ‘it does not act according to choice, therefore it does not effect diverse forms in diverse passive objects’ does not hold, but what follows is that ‘therefore it does not act indifferently, or it does not of itself effect the form that it is able to effect or not to effect in such a passive object’. An example from the sun (and it was touched on in Ord. I d.2 nn.349-350), which although it have a certain indeterminateness as to causing diverse effects in diverse passive objects, is yet not indeterminate as to the contradictories of acting or not acting, but it necessarily does in any passive object whatever it can do in it.

236. As to the second objection [n.231b], one must say that there can be many formally distinct actions of the same active principle, provided however that the active principle not be single one limited in active virtue, as a single form is. And thus, all the authorities of the Commentator [n.231], and of anyone else, must be expounded of a form single in virtue as it is single in being of nature.

2. To the Second Doubt

237. To the other doubt [n.232], against the other two conclusions [nn.201, 212], I say:

In one way, briefly one could, by evasion, say that a quality is a principle of action on a passive subject having the contrary quality, and this according to any degree it had before, and this as concerns the part of active quality. But, because of the subject in which the contrary determines for itself some degree more than another, it is possible that it [= the active quality] would not have power for every degree of the contrary (insofar as the contrary exists in such subject) in the same way in which it had power for it before. And this response will be made clear in what follows [nn.240, 247, 251-254, 257, 264265].

238. It could be said in another way that although the quality would have power for every degree of alteration that it had power for when conjoined [sc. when not separated from a substance], the consequence does not hold that it could have power for corruption of substance. - The idea of the first remark [‘although the quality would have...’] is as follows, that generation cannot be separated from corruption (relating it to a natural agent understood in this way) without whatever is created corrupting something simply, leaving behind something at the end of the corruption (for it does not annihilate things). Now a creature cannot corrupt something into a per se existing accident; therefore, if it corrupts, it corrupts into a substance, and consequently if it not have virtue for corrupting something into a substance, it does not corrupt at all; but a separated accident does not have virtue for corrupting into a substance.

3. Objections against the Solution of the Second Doubt and their Solution

a. First Objection

239. But against this:

First, because a quality that has power for every degree of alteration preparatory to generation has power for a degree incompossible with the substantial form of the thing to be corrupted - and so it has power for corruption. The proof of the first part [“power for a degree incompossible.”] is that, if the quality does not have power to induce some degree incompossible with the substantial form, then the substantial form of the thing to be corrupted can stand with any degree inducible by the quality, and so the thing to be corrupted can, by no alteration, be corrupted.

240. I reply: the altering thing can never induce a degree incompossible with the alterable thing. The proof comes from the ideas of the terms, because a mover cannot induce a degree incompossible with its movable object (the proof of which is that the movable thing remains throughout the whole motion; therefore, it remains under every degree induced by the motion); but nothing remains under anything incompossible with it; therefore etc.

241. But when you infer [n.239] that ‘then the altering thing will, by alteration, never corrupt the substance of the altered thing’, I concede it. And I prove this by another reason a priori, because a naturally prior is not corrupted by something naturally posterior; but whatever is induced by an altering thing, as altering thing, is naturally posterior to the substantial form of the alterable thing; therefore by nothing such that is induced by the altering thing is the substance of the alterable thing corrupted.

242. I reply, therefore, that no substance can be corrupted save by a substance, just as neither can the opposite of a substance to be corrupted be induced save by a substance, as was proved above [nn.202, 206, 212ff.]; but a substance is not corrupted by a contrary quality save dispositively, because generation follows on the dispositive alteration unless something prevents it.

243. But on the contrary:

It would then follow that if the accidents of fire were the greatest (namely as great in quantity as the sphere of fire), and yet they were separated from substance, they could not corrupt a drop of water existing there, which seems impossible.

244. Something else follows, because if the accidents that do the altering have power for any degree whatever of alteration the way they had before, then they have power for the ultimate degree - and consequently, since the ultimate degree, when corrupted, disposes immediately for the corruption of substance, or its corruption is immediately accompanied by the corruption of substance, the result is that the substance will be corrupted; therefore etc.

245. To the first [n.243] it can be said: I concede that if the whole substance of fire were destroyed and all the accidents remained there, a drop of water put there would never be destroyed. And the reasons set down before [nn.242, 202, 206] have this as conclusion, because accidents cannot generate any substance, and the corruption of substance can only be into substance; because the corruption is not into nothing, nor into matter, nor into accidents, and especially by virtue of a natural agent, because nature cannot annihilate anything, nor resolve anything into prime matter, nor make accidents without a subject.

246. Lest, however, this be said to be too absurd and against sense, I say that, if any accidents were without a subject, a substance of any quantity and quality next to them would be corrupted, but not by them, rather by the created universal agent, namely the heaven, to which natural philosophers take flight - especially since the form to be here induced is imperfect and is totally in the active power of the heaven. And consequently, with no particular agent impeding but rather disposing, this form can be induced by the heaven, just as the heaven induces certain imperfect forms in the matter of corruptible and generable things. And if there were some form for inducing which the heaven did not suffice, one must flee to the simply first Cause, which would here induce the form for which the natural agent disposes it. Nor is this a fleeing to a miracle, because God as a matter of rule supplies every impotency of the whole creation, as is plain in the animation of an organic body by the intellective soul, where no miracle is posited. So here the whole of created nature would not suffice for the generation or corruption in question; and therefore, when nature makes disposition for it with ultimate disposition, God would as a matter of rule supply the impotence of nature.

247. To the second [n.244] I say that there is no degree of alteration on which would necessarily follow the corruption of the substantial form in the alterable thing; but the degree that is next in one alterable thing can fail to be next in another alterable thing, speaking with respect to the corrupter or generator intrinsic to the thing that does the altering. For let it be that some degree, which is as it were next to the degree that is incompossible with the form of water, would be induced in the water by some agent -corruption of the water would immediately follow if there were from the agent a form by which it could corrupt the water. But if there not be in the agent a form corruptive of the water, then the corruption of the water does not follow from that agent, but perhaps from some universal agent inducing the form for which the matter has been disposed. So here, if the water were altered by separated accidents to the degree that would be proximate to the corruption of water, in the way it is possible for a proximate degree to be there (and I speak thus because, in the case of indivisibles, nothing divisible is proximate to something indivisible), then indeed the corruption of the water would immediately follow from the altering agent, though in this case only extrinsically.

b. Three Other Objections

α. Exposition of the Objections

248. But there is still argument against this [n.238], that when some quality is in a subject, it can be the principle of acting toward something incompossible with the substantial form; therefore it can be here too [sc. in the Eucharist], because it was stated before [cf. n.186] that every alteration that an accident in a subject can cause it can cause without a subject.

249. Again, secondly, every degree of quality is of the same idea; therefore, what can have an action corruptive of one degree, that thing, belonging to the same idea, can, if it is more perfect, be the principle of action corruptive of a further degree, and so on about any degree. But it is possible for a separated quality to corrupt some degree of quality of a substance, as you concede [n.247]; therefore, if another separated quality be superior, it can corrupt any degree of the quality. But when every degree whatever of quality is corrupted, the prior substance does not remain because, without its natural quality, it does not remain; therefore etc.

250. Again, thirdly, a natural agent could corrupt the qualities in the Eucharist, and so consequently it could induce some degree incompossible with those forms [sc. qualities] in their species; and yet it cannot induce some substantial form there, because there is no subject there; therefore, by parity of reasoning, separated qualities could induce in a passive object a degree incompossible with the quality [of that passive object], albeit they could not induce any substantial form concomitant with the opposite quality.

β. Solution to the First Objection

251. To the first [n.248] I say that an active quality existing in a substance cannot be per se the active principle with respect to some quality repugnant to the substance to be corrupted; but it can only be the principle of causing some quality in the sort of degree on which follows the corruption of the substance possessing that quality. But there [sc. when a quality exists in a substance] the corruption of the corrupting48 substance follows this degree of the quality, while here [sc. in the Eucharist] it does not. For some agent conjoined with the accident is there that can corrupt this substance and generate another; while here whatever precedes the corruption of the substance would very well be induced, but on it the corruption of the substance by that agent does not follow, but rather by some universal agent, as was said above [n.247].

γ. Solution to the Second Objection

252. To the second [n.249] I say that, although this degree and that be of the same idea in themselves, yet not in comparison with any agent at all, because an agent that can corrupt a substance can corrupt the ultimate degree of the quality consequent to that substance, and only that agent can do so. But another agent can well corrupt other degrees not necessary to that substance.

253. Or one can say differently, and more plainly, that degrees can be of the same idea either in themselves alone or in themselves and in relation to a subject.

254. If in the first way [n.253], the proposition is false that says an agent of the same idea can corrupt things that are of the same idea [n.249]; for if these things are not of the same idea in relation to the subject (for instance because the subject determines one of them for itself but does not necessarily determine the others for itself), some agent can well corrupt one degree in such subject and yet not be able to corrupt the ultimate degree, because this latter is only corrupted with the corruption of the substance.

255. And if you make this argument, that just as substance necessarily requires the degree of the quality consequent to it, so that degree is repugnant to a contrary agent; therefore, just as you say the degree will remain as long as the subject remains [n.252], so it follows that, because of an active contrary, it do not remain.

256. And besides, what is posterior in generation is prior in corruption; but the quality (according to the degree necessary for the substance) is posterior in generation to the substance; therefore, it will be prior in corruption. Therefore, it will be naturally corrupted before the substance is, and only by the altering cause as it is altering cause; therefore etc.

257. To the first point [n.255] I say that if the contrary agent were as potent in destroying that degree as the substance is in conserving it, then the argument would have evidence on its side; but I say the substance has greater virtue for resisting the contrary corruptive of that degree than the contrary has active virtue for corrupting it. And the reason for this is that, by comparing active agent to active agent, the one simply more perfect in entity is simply more perfect in virtue; but substance has active virtue with respect to the quality that is consequent to it, and the contrary quality has an active virtue for corrupting it. But substance is simply more perfect than the contrary quality; therefore, the virtue of the substance is simply greater in resisting. And from this the probability is good that the substance is the active cause with respect to the quality consequent to it, because otherwise it would not resist the contrary corrupting its quality, nor would that quality be able to resist, because it is of itself something more imperfect than the corrupting contrary, were it posited, is more intense in its species than the quality is in its.

258. To the second [n.256] I say that that proposition [sc. ‘what is posterior in generation is prior in corruption’] is only true of things that are ordered in a generation and corruption pertaining to the same genus, of which sort are ordered forms (according to those who posit many forms); for as there the more universal form comes first to the matter, so it departs last. But as to substance and proper quality (which is consequent to the substance in the degree to which it is necessary for the substance), the proposition is false; rather, the quality is both induced later and corrupted later.

259. And if you ask, ‘by what is this sort of quality induced, whether by the generator as generator or by the alterer as alterer?’, and if you ask similarly, ‘by what is it corrupted, whether by what is corrupting the substance as it is corrupting it or by the alterer as it is inducing an opposite quality in what has been generated?’ - I reply: the proximate effect of a cause equivocal in species is caused in any individual by an individual of the equivocal cause. The reason is that individuals of the same species do not necessarily require causes different in species; for it is possible for the same specific nature in this individual to be produced by a cause of the same idea as that by which the same nature is caused in another individual; because the same inducing formal principle is sufficient for the same formal term; and that which, here and there, has the same formal term does not necessarily require a productive cause of a different idea,

260. From this proved proposition [n.259] about equivocal cause and proximate effect, I conclude that a quality necessarily consequent to a substance according to its species is caused in any substance by a substance of that sort; because the first quality is only caused by a substance; therefore any quality can be caused by it as well. And consequently, since an equivocal cause has more virtue than a univocal cause, then, if the univocal cause could induce the effect, the equivocal cause would still precede it, as the Philosopher says about a big flame and a little flame, On Respiration 4.469b31-70a5. The quality, therefore, of a generated thing is not induced by any alterer as it is alterer; that is, a quality is not the formal principle of inducing the quality.

261. And if you argue that then the previous alteration does not have a term - this is not unacceptable about a term per se of the same genus, because it has an extrinsic term, the substantial form of the generated thing.

262. And if you ask whether the quality of the generated thing is induced by the substance that generates it, I say that, although it could be induced by that substance, yet more probably it is induced by the generated substance itself, because though agents that have the same and equal virtue could induce the same form in the same passive thing, yet the generator or agent has the passive thing the more immediately conjoined to it the more it acts more efficaciously than the other equal things. But if it is the passive susceptive thing of the term of its action, as in the issue at hand, it is a passive thing more immediately conjoined to itself, and consequently the generator there will not precede the generated substance, because it is not prior to itself in perfection but only in duration. Now the generated thing is equal in perfection to, and more immediate than, itself as passive, and this can well preserve how such inducible equivocal forms are induced by whatever is in the generated thing itself; but such an equivocal agent would not be said to be able to induce the form in another passive thing (just as one will cannot induce volition in another will, yet it can well induce volition in itself).

263. From this is plain what the preceding quality is corrupted by, because it is corrupted by that by which the quality proper to the generated thing is induced, as was said [n.262]. Or one can say better that it is corrupted by that which corrupts its subject; but this is the thing that is generating the contrary substance - and then the quality of the corrupted thing is not corrupted save per accidens. However, the generated thing’s induced quality, which has some degree that was simply incompossible with the substance to be corrupted, is itself induced per se by the action of the generated substance, although not by a change, because the subject did not previously exist lacking that quality.

264. Now these things which have been said are not only true of an accident separated from substance, but also of an accident existing in a substance, because there the substance as possessed of quality does not induce a degree of it compossible49 with the substance to be corrupted; but as a substance it corrupts a substance and consequently corrupts its quality; and as substance it generates substance; and the further degree proper to the substance to be generated, which was previously incompossible with the substance to be corrupted, is from the generated thing itself.

265. Hence is manifestly clear the falsity of this proposition, ‘every substance is corrupted for this reason, that some degree is induced that is incompossible with its own proper quality’; rather, never is a degree incompossible save in some substance already generated, otherwise the incompossibles would exist together. Nor can any degree induced or inducible by an alterer, as it is alterer, corrupt a substance, because nothing posterior in genus can be the cause of corrupting something prior in genus.

266. From this is plain the answer to the objection that can be made about water which could not corrupt fire [cf. n.243], because the fire simply has a nobler and more perfect active virtue. - I reply: it is not said that a more imperfect thing cannot corrupt a more perfect one [cf. n.245] (speaking of species compared to species), but that an active thing more imperfect in genus cannot corrupt a being more perfect in genus (because it can only induce something more imperfect in genus, and this more imperfect something cannot be successor to the corruption of a thing more perfect in genus). Now an accident cannot be properly successor to the corruption of a substance, because if it alone were to succeed to it, the substance as substance would be quasi annihilated. But an imperfect thing of the same genus is not so, because a more imperfect thing (in that it can induce something like itself) can induce something that can succeed to the corrupted thing of the same genus.

267. One could also say that between a perfect and imperfect thing of the same genus there is a formal repugnance, on account of which the one can corrupt the other; but between a perfect thing of one genus and an imperfect thing of another genus there is no repugnance save only a virtual one, the way the prior is repugnant to the opposite of the posterior, and the posterior to the opposite of the prior. Now the posterior in genus has only power per se for the opposite of its genus, and therefore not for the corruption of the prior in genus, to which it is not opposed save indirectly.

δ. Solution to the Third Objection

268. As to the third [n.250], I concede that the separated species could be corrupted by a created agent, as will be stated in the following article [nn.432-437], and as will also be stated in what way a substance there may be generated or not generated [nn.490-499].

269. But if the argument be formed in this way: ‘once separated accidents are posited, as the heat of fire in a quantity, not only the most perfect degree of the heat but even the ultimate degree could be corrupted by a substance altering it, or by some other separated quality, by a contrary or more active thing, as a separated quantum of cold. But this separated coldness is not of greater virtue or more active by the fact the heat is separated than if the heat were in a substance as in a subject; therefore if the heat were in the substance of fire, the separated cold could still corrupt the ultimate degree of the substance of fire; and then the whole main argument stands [n.250], that the heat cannot be corrupted unless the substance of the fire be corrupted, nor can it be corrupted unless another substance be generated, and so the separated cold could generate a substance’ - I reply that, by positing the heat of fire and the cold of water in separated quantities, if the coldness, in accord with intensity in its own species, were simply to overcome the heat in its species, I concede that any degree, even the ultimate degree, of the heat could be corrupted by the cold; but it does not follow that likewise the ultimate degree of heat could be corrupted when the heat is in fire.

270. The reason is this, that the quantity that is the subject of the separated heat does not determine for itself necessarily a degree of heat that is no more the lowest than the highest; for it does not have an active virtue or a necessity with respect to any degree there at all; and therefore what can corrupt one degree in such a subject can corrupt this degree and that degree and any degree you like.

271. Hence these degrees are of the same idea in themselves and in comparison with the subject, and the subject has an equal determination or lack of determination for any degree at all, and conversely; but it is not so when the heat is in the fire; for fire does not determine for itself necessarily the supreme degree, but the degree is in the fire contingently, and therefore if that degree could not resist the cold corrupting it, the subject will not resist it either, because it does not necessarily require that degree, but determines the lowest degree for itself. And therefore, although the lowest degree could not resist the corrupting contrary, yet the substance of fire, which is of greater virtue, can resist the corrupting contrary; for the substance of fire has more power for preserving the effect than the cold has for corrupting it. The substance will therefore preserve that degree as long as the fire is remaining in its being; and therefore, unless there is something corrupting the fire in itself, the degree will not be corrupted.

272. When, therefore, it is said [n.269] that the cold is not of greater virtue or more active by the fact that the heat is without a substance than if the heat were in a substance - I concede that in itself the cold is not more active, but it can act more on the contrary, because this separated contrary lacks a cause preserving its being, but when it is conjoined [sc. with a substance] it does have a cause preserving its being.

273. And this reason [n.272] is universal about contrary causes formally or virtually coming together on the same passive object; for one cause is not simply more or less active than the other because it comes together with it on the same passive object; but yet one acts less on this object by the fact that the other comes together with it, for the other impedes it.