1. Opinion of the Greeks

375. The third doubt contains greater difficulty. For the Greeks say that it is necessary to confect the sacrament using leavened bread, and so they deny that the Latins confect it.35

376. And they try to prove the antecedent with the Gospels. For they say that Christ suffered on the fourteenth day of the month, so that the figure of the Law might be fulfilled about the paschal lamb, which was sacrificed on the fourteenth day [Exodus 12.1-28, 34.18; Leviticus 23.5-8; Numbers 28.16-25; Matthew 26.17-20 etc.]. And Christ who foreknew that this was going to be, anticipated the eating of the paschal lamb before the fourteenth day. Now the Greeks say that leavened bread was in use among the Jews at that time; and it was licit then and commonly maintained among the Jews. For leavened bread was not forbidden them before the fourteenth day of the first month toward evening. From this the Greeks conclude that Christ then used leavened bread and that consequently he confected the sacrament with leavened bread.

377. In favor of this opinion they adduce other texts from the Gospels:

As John 18.28 where it is written that the Jews themselves “did not enter the Praetorium so that they might not become unclean but eat the Pasch.” Now ‘Pasch’ there is taken for the paschal lamb which had to be eaten on the fourteenth day of the month. Therefore, on the fourteenth day they handed Christ over to Pilate.

Again in John 13.1-2 is read that it was “before the feast day of the Pasch,” and then follows everything about the cena and the institution of the Eucharist [Matthew 26.20-29 and the parallels in Luke and Mark]. Therefore it was before the day on which the paschal lamb was sacrificed, and consequently before the fourteenth day of the month.

Again in Matthew 26.5 is said how the Jews thought to kill Christ, and they said “Not on the feast day.” Now that principal feast day was the fifteenth day of the month, according to Numbers 28.16-17, “On the fourteenth day of the first month you will celebrate the Pasch, and on the fifteenth day there will be a solemnity (that is, the principal day).” Therefore, the verse in John, where it says “Before the feast day etc.,” is understood of that day.