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Edition Information
Ordinatio. Prologue.
Ordinatio. Book 1. Distinctions 1 and 2.
Ordinatio. Book 1. Distinction 3.
Ordinatio. Book 1. Distinctions 4 to 10.
Ordinatio. Book 1. Distinctions 11 to 25.
Ordinatio. Book 1. Distinctions 26 to 48.
Ordinatio. Book 2. Distinctions 1 - 3.
Ordinatio. Book 2. Distinctions 4 to 44.
Ordinatio. Book 3. Distinctions 1 - 17.
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book 3. distinctions 1 - 17
first distinction. first part. on the possibility of the incarnation
second part. on the fact of the incarnation
second distinction
third distinction
question one. whether the blessed virgin was conceived in original sin
I. to the question
a. the common opinion
1. exposition of the opinion
2. rejection of the opinion
b. scotus’ own response
C. objections and their solution
II. response to the arguments while holding that the blessed virgin was not conceived in original sin
question two. wherefore and how christ’s body did not contract original sin as other bodies did
fourth distinction
fifth distinction
sixth distinction
seventh distinction
eighth distinction
ninth distinction
tenth distinction
eleventh distinction.
twelfth distinction
thirteenth distinction
fourteenth distinction
fifteenth distinction
sixteenth distinction
seventeenth distinction
appendix (from antonius andreas). eighteenth distinction
[appendix] nineteenth distinction
[appendix] twentieth distinction
[appendix] twenty first distinction
[appendix] twenty second distinction
[appendix] twenty third distinction
[appendix] twenty fourth distinction
[appendix] twenty fifth distinction
Ordinatio. Book 3. Distinctions 26 - 40.
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 1 - 7
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 8 - 13.
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 14 - 42.
Ordinatio. Book 4. Distinctions 43 - 49.
past masters commons
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The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 3. Distinctions 1 - 17.
The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 3. Distinctions 1 - 17.
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