past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 3. Distinctions 1 - 17.
Book 3. Distinctions 1 - 17
Second Distinction
Question Three. Whether the Organization and Animation of the Body Preceded the Incarnation
I. To the Question
A. Of Priority in Time
1. Of the Order of Animation in Relation to Incarnation

1. Of the Order of Animation in Relation to Incarnation

106. As to the first article I say that animation did not precede incarnation in time, because then the nature would at some point have been a person in itself (and not in the Word), namely as soon as there was animated flesh.

107. Proof of the consequence:

For the animated body, if it is at any time subsistent in itself, is a person. The consequent is false, because then the blessed Virgin would not have been the true Mother of God; for she would not have borne God but that pure man whose nature would afterwards have been united to God. This consequent is against Damascene [ibid., ch.56], who determines, against Nestorius, that the blessed Virgin was true Mother of God and not of some pure man only. The consequence is plain, because the whole idea of the maternity of Mary was complete in the production of that nature.