past masters commons

Annotation Guide:

The Ordinatio of John Duns Scotus
Ordinatio. Book 3. Distinctions 1 - 17.
Book 3. Distinctions 1 - 17
Second Distinction
Question One Whether a Nature immediately United Hypostatically to the Word and not Having Joy Involves a Contradiction
III. To the Arguments of Henry of Ghent
B. As to the Second Article

B. As to the Second Article

45. Hereby is clear the answer to the argument [n.24] adduced for the second article, that just as there is truly a special in-falling as to being, whereby namely the being of the Word is communicated to the created nature, so there is necessarily a special infalling whereby namely the Word could operate as to the operations of that nature (in the way that, as the Word could be said to be fire if he had assumed the nature of fire, so he could be said to heat with the heat of fire); but there is no need that there be an in-falling as to operations repugnant to that nature, as are the beatific operations, such as to understand and to will [sc. the beatific object], in the way that God, by a general infalling, falls into any creature as to the being and operation fitting to that creature but not to any operation not fitting to it or exceeding it.