V. To the Arguments for the First Opinion

69. To the arguments for the first opinion.

As to the Philosopher [n.17], the exposition is that the mother is not the principal agent cause; for she ministers more principally the matter, because the body of the offspring is more formed from the matter ministered by the mother than from the matter ministered by the father. And if more is understood [sc. if Aristotle is interpreted as saying the mother is in no way agent cause, as e.g. Aquinas, Albert, Giles seem to, n.16], it is denied, because Galen thought the opposite, as Avicenna records [On Animals 9.1; see n.26 with footnotes supra], and in these matters one should believe the experts more.

70. As to Augustine on Genesis [n.18], I say that only that effect is produced according to seed-reasons in whose production a created active force comes together as total cause; it was not so in the issue at hand, because although Mary acted through natural force, yet the natural cause was not the total cause but the Holy Spirit was the more principal cause.