b) On the Concupiscence of Excellence

63. Having seen, then, about the first thing inordinately coveted [n.48], one can posit that the angel further coveted inordinately another good for himself, namely excellence in respect of others. Either he had a disordered refusal, namely refusing the opposites of the things he coveted, namely by not willing blessedness to be in himself less than it is in God in himself (or than God is); or by refusing to wait for blessedness until the end of the way; or by refusing to have it from merits but from himself [nn.52-54] and, as a result, refusing to be subject to God - and finally not wanting God to exist, wherein, as in the supreme evil, his malice seems to be consummated [n.38]; for just as no act is formally better than loving God, so neither is any act formally worse than hating God.