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Annotation Guide:

The Presocratic Writings
Presocratic Writings - English
The Presocratic Writings - English Translations and Additional Information
Parmenides of Elea


42:1 Reading δοκιμῶσ᾽ (= δοκιμῶσαι) with Diels, Vors., Edn. 4, and not with Kranz (Wilamowitz) δοκιμῶς (Vors., 5). Wilamowitz took περῶντα with τὰ δοκοῦντα, and translated: ('Still, you shall learn these things too), how phenomena had to be on a plausible footing, because these extend throughout everything.' This interpretation is favoured by those who accept the view that Parmenides left the door open for 'Opinion' in some form; it was rejected by Diels, Vors. 4, Nachträge, p. xxviii, as contrary to Parmenidean metaphysic. See Companion, pp. 141 sqq.

42:2 Or, reading ἔστιν: 'that which it is possible to think is identical with that which can Be'. (Zeller and Burnet, probably rightly).

43:1 i.e., 'in two minds'.

43:2 Cp. Heracleitus, Frg. 8.

44:1 ἄπυστος, 'beyond perception'; also ἄπαυστος, 'never-ending'.

44:2 Reading and meaning doubtful. Diels-Kranz: 'if it lacked Limit, it would fall short of being a Whole', but without any certainty.

45:1 Or, reading γνώμῃ (Stein): 'in order that no mortal may outstrip you in intelligence'.

45:2 Kranz takes ἐπεὶ with the previous line, and translates: 'For nothing is possible which does not come under either of the two' (i.e. everything belongs to one or other of the two categories Light and Night).