
24:1 Logos, the intelligible Law of the universe, and its reasoned statement by Heracleitus. See Companion, pp. 115 sqq.

25:1 Pun on μιαινόμενοι, and μαίνεσθαι which cannot be reproduced in English.

26:1 Pun on ἄπτεται, 'kindles', and 'touches upon' (approximates to).

26:2 Or: 'rather than things mortal'.

27:1 γῆ supplied by Kranz; otherwise, 'the sea is distributed'.

28:1 Pun on βίος, Life, and βιός, bow.

29:1 Paraphrase in Iamblichus.

30:1 Paraphrases in Plato, Hippias Major.

31:1 Phrases of Heracleitus quoted in Aristotle, Metaphysics.

31:2 Saying attributed to Bias of Priênê. Diels, Vors., ch. 10, 3, s. 1.

32:1 Pun on ξὺν νῷ and ξυνῷ.

33:1 For discussion, see Companion, pp. 128-9.

33:2 Reading uncertain.