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Essays of Montaigne, Vol. 1
Essays of Montaigne, Vol. 2
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the works of michel de montaigne
essays of montaigne
various events from the same counsel.
of pedantry ,
of the institution of children.
it is folly to refer truth and error to our own capacity
of friendship
of moderation.
of cannibals
that it is meet to intervene discreetly in judging the divine ordinances
to avoid pleasures at the expense of life.
fortune is oftentimes met with in the train of reason.
of a defect in our government
of the custom of clothing oneself.
of cato the younger
how we cry and laugh for the same thing.
Essays of Montaigne, Vol. 3
Essays of Montaigne, Vol. 4
Essays of Montaigne, Vol. 5
Essays of Montaigne, Vol. 6
Essays of Montaigne, Vol. 7
Essays of Montaigne, Vol. 8
Essays of Montaigne, Vol. 9
Life and Letters of Montaigne with Notes and Index, vol. 10
past masters commons
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The Complete Works of Michel de Montaigne
Essays of Montaigne, Vol. 2
The Complete Works of Michel de Montaigne
Essays of Montaigne, Vol. 2
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