Niccolo Machiavelli
Machiavelli, Niccolo
16 December, 1503
Magnificent Signori: —
The bearer of this is one of the men of Messer Ambrogio da Landriano, who sends him to Florence to remind your Lordships of his necessities; and as I wrote you at length on the 14th upon this subject, I shall not enlarge upon it any further now; but refer to what I then said, and which will be fully explained by the present messenger to your Lordships, to whom I recommend him and Messer Ambrogio, as well as myself.
Bene valete!
Niccolo Machiavelli.
After this letter, Machiavelli returned to Florence, as appears from the following letter from the Cardinal of Volterra, Soderini: —
V. tanquam
tanquam, V.
F. F. de Soderinis
de Soderinis, F. F.
Niccolo Machiavelli
Machiavelli, Niccolo
Magnificent Signori: —
My last was of the 15th, and to-day I have yours of the 14th, which demands but a brief reply, seeing that I have attended to all that your Lordships have directed me to do.You will also have the verbal report of Niccolo Machiavelli, who goes to Florence per post, in obedience to your orders, anxious to do his utmost, notwithstanding his indisposition, and contrary to my wishes. For, as I have several times written to your Lordships, I was desirous that there should be some accredited agent here, there being many matters here which it is not suitable for me to attend to or to speak about; nor can I go to many places where a minister can go with entire propriety. I beg your Lordships therefore to provide for this, as it is greatly needed in this place.Niccolo will report particularly upon all other matters; and your Lordships ought to hold him very dear, for his fidelity, zeal, and prudence leave nothing to wish for in him. You will hear fully about Citerna matters, and about the business of those Roman gentlemen, which ought to be attended to and provided for. They are of importance now, and may be much more so hereafter, as similar instances have proved. Et bene valete DD. VV. quibus me commendo.
V. tanquam F. F. de Soderinis Cardinalis Vulterranus.
16 December, 1503.